Ladies, The Mid-Atlantic Section meeting will be held April 1-3, 2016, in Fredericksburg, VA. Both the site and the time have been chosen to provide a significant experience for Mid-Atlantic Section members. Fredericksburg is a very significant Civil War site, as well as being the nearby location of George Washington’s birthplace. Sites in the Historic District include Revolution, Civil War, and Victorian styles. Additionally, the weekend chosen for our meeting is a “First Friday,” a date each month on which gallery openings, public entertainment and other activities are provided in the historic area from 6:00 to 9:30 PM. Details will be available in your welcoming package. Our Friday Night BBQ at the Shannon Airport is timed early so that members can participate in the “First Friday” activities. Detailed information on lodging, activities, schedule and registration form can be found at the following websites: http://www.mid-atlantic99s.or...